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Program Overview

"8-week" transformative coaching program is specifically tailored for women leaders who feel stuck in their personal business or professional career, battling feelings of defeat, inadequacy, and failure. The program not only focuses on developing self-leadership skills but also on overcoming a significant personal or professional challenge of the participant's choosing.

Program Overview

"Leadership Boost" is a concise, high-impact coaching program tailored for women seeking immediate clarity, direction, and momentum in their leadership journey.

Over the course of three personalized calls, participants will receive targeted guidance to overcome specific challenges, refine their leadership skills, and set actionable goals for transformation.

Rise Above:

Women's Leadership Transformation Program

Unlock Your Potential in Just 8 Weeks!

Feeling stuck or defeated in your personal business or profession? Our transformative 8-week group program is tailored for women leaders eager to achieve new levels of success. Empower yourself to move past stagnation, enhance your resilience, and secure a meaningful breakthrough in your personal and professional life

Key Outcomes:

Overcome Stagnation: Implement strategies to unlock progress and success.

Build Resilience and Confidence: Develop a solid foundation of self-worth and resilience for future challenges.

Secure a Tangible Breakthrough: Tackle and overcome a significant challenge, leading to personal or professional advancement.

Program Highlights:

  • Challenge Selection: Choose a personal or professional challenge to overcome, supported by our comprehensive program.

  • Support and Accountability: From an initial burnout assessment to weekly actionable steps and an accountability partner, you're guided every step of the way.

  • Private Group: Share experiences and gain support with other women facing similar challenges.

  • Innovative Solutions: Employ strategic actions and AI tools for creative problem-solving.

  • Showcase and Growth: Conclude with a presentation of your transformation and plans for ongoing development.

***** Bonus: AI training on various tools to expedite your success *****

Lead Quick: Fast-Track Leadership Boost

Quickly Elevate Your Leadership in Just Three Calls

Struggling with a leadership challenge that needs immediate resolution? "LeadQuick" offers a targeted, personal coaching experience designed to fast-track your leadership development. This concise program is perfect for busy women leaders seeking rapid progress.

What You Get:

Three 1:1 Coaching Calls: Focused sessions tailored to your unique challenges and goals.

Personalized Action Plan: Leave with a clear, actionable strategy for immediate implementation.

Flexible Scheduling: Calls arranged at your convenience to fit into your busy life.

Program Outline:

  • Clarity & Challenge Identification: Unpack your leadership challenges and set clear objectives.

  • Strategy & Skill Refinement: Develop effective strategies and enhance your leadership skills

  • Action Plan & Momentum: Finalize your action plan and gain momentum to achieve your goals.

Ideal For:

Women in leadership roles seeking quick, effective solutions to overcome hurdles and boost their leadership capabilities.

Transform Your Leadership Today:

Dive into "LeadQuick" and emerge with the clarity, strategy, and confidence to lead successfully.

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Design by: Pure Imagination Consulting

© 2024 Pure Imagination Consulting, LLC

Design by: Pure Imagination Consulting